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Impact Bar 550mm 1/2"Sq Drive

Art.nr: VS786
** Bestillingsvare 7-10 virkedager

Specially designed for use where nuts/bolts are not easily accessible for air impact tools, or air is not available. Ideal tool for loosening crankshaft pulley bolts. Simply fit the required impact socket, keeping the arm at a right angle to the shaft for maximum torque, and strike the top of the tool with a hammer to shock the nut or bolt loose. Features hand guard for extra safety.

  • Specially designed for use where nuts/bolts are not easily accessible for air impact tools, or air is not available.
  • Ideal tool for loosening crankshaft pulley bolts.
  • Simply fit the required impact socket, keeping the arm at a right angle to the shaft for maximum torque, and strike the top of the tool with a hammer to shock the nut or bolt loose.
  • Features hand guard for extra safety.
  • Model No. VS786

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